Vacation Care

Whether you’ll be spending a long weekend at the beach or a full month abroad, we’re sharing our top tips and tricks for keeping your houseplants happy and healthy while you’re away.

Water your plants before you leave : Plants can live for a few days without water if it’s not too hot. So watering them right before you leave can be enough if you’ll just be gone for a long weekend.

Keep your plants cool :Move outdoor potted plants into the shade and move indoor plants away from your sunniest windows.

Trim your plants :Apparently flowering plants want more water, so trimming flowers and buds off with make them a bit more water efficient while you’re gone. It’s hard to say how much water this saves though.

Use a wick system :You can rig a simple version of this up at home. Find a wick—twisted up yearn or a strip of cloth will work—and bury it about 2-3 inches into your plant’s well-watered soil. Then put the other end into a bowl or bottle of water. Be sure it goes all the way to the bottom of the water source so it can soak it all up.

Set up a drip system : Water your plants really well. Then fill a plastic bottle (your average disposable water bottle will do) to the brim with water and turn it upside down inside your plant.
