
Marigold flowers are found almost everywhere in the world. It is a very important flower, as it is extensively used for religious and social functions. Also, it is used as a trap crop. It is short duration crop with low investment.


Botanical Name Tagetes
Family Asteraceae
Genus Tagetes
Species spp.
Types French Marigolds, African Marigolds, Signet Marigolds, Mexican tarragon, Marsh Marigold, Southern Cone Marigold, Desert marigold, Mountain marigold, Field marigold

Planting Guide


Flower Color: Gold/Yellow, Orange
Flower Inflorescence: Corym, Head
Flower Value To Gardener: Edible, Long Bloom Season
Flower Bloom Time: Summer


Fruit Color: Black
Fruit Type: Achene


Leaf Color: Green
Leaf Value To Gardener: Fragrant
Leaf Type: Compound (Pinnately, Bipinnately, Palmately)
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate, Opposite
Leaf Shape: Lanceolate, Oblanceolate
Leaf Margin: Denticulate, Entire

Collect Seeds

When flower heads are dry, you can snip them off with a pair of scissors and collect them in paper bag.


When petals begin to fully open.

Soil Texture Clay, High Organic Matter, Loam (Silt), Sand
Soil Drainage Good Drainage, Moist, Occasionally Dry
Soil Chemistry

pH range of 6.5 to 7.5


Germination 4 to 14 days
Bloom 130 - 150 days

Temperature (Climate)
Temperature 25-35°C
Light full sun
Health Benefits

✓ Marigolds are a Natural Fabric Dye.
✓ marigolds Make Wonderful Cut Flowers and Décor
✓ Marigolds Produce an Essential Oil Used in Perfume
✓ Marigolds Are a Natural Food Colouring
✓ Marigolds Have Natural Antiseptic Properties, Healing Skin Wounds, Burns, and Rashes.