
The Queen of orchids, corsage orchid, or cat orchid is a tropical epiphyte in the Orchidaceae family. It is native to the tropical New World, USDA zones 10 to 12, found from Costa Rica to Argentina. Having been avidly and recklessly collected during the 1800s, Cattleya is now on the CITES Appendix II. All Cattleyas for sale should now be produced in greenhouses.

Orchids grown as a popular houseplant, it is very easy to grow and care for once you understand the plant’s ideal conditions and maintenance requirements. Then you can grow it properly.

Cool-growing orchids originate from high-altitude cloud forests.
Intermediate-growing orchids are native to subtropical climates.
Warm-growing orchids are from steamy, sea-level rainforests.

Cool growers can be hard to care for indoors as the cool temperatures are often difficult to achieve indoors. For optimum results, go for warm to intermediate growers.


  • Bacterial soft and Brown rot (Ervinia spp.)
    Foliar application with Streptomycin Sulphate @ 0.5 g + Copper Oxy Chloride @ 2 g/l.
  • Bacterial Brown spot (Acidovorax sp.)
    Foliar application with Streptomycin Sulphate @ 0.5 g + Copper Oxy Chloride @ 2 g/l.
  • Blackout (Pythiumsp. and Phytophthora sp.)
    Foliar application of Metalaxyl 2 g / lit. (or) Dimethomorph 50% WP 0.5 g / lit.
  • Anthracnose
    Foliar application of Thiophanate Methyl 2 g / l (or) Difenoconazole 0.5 ml/l


Snail and Slug: Hand-pick and destroy them immediately.


Botanical Name Orchidaceae
Family Orchidaceae
Genus Cattleya
Types Phalaenopsis (moth orchids), Dendrobium (cane orchids), Cattleya (corsage orchids), Cymbidium (boat orchids)

Planting Guide


Flower Colors: Gold/Yellow, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple/Lavender, Red/Burgundy, Variegated, White
Flower Inflorescence: Raceme
Flower Value To Gardener: Showy
Flower Shape: Funnel, Lipped
Flower Size: > 6 inches


Woody Plant Leaf Characteristics: Broadleaf Evergreen
Leaf Color: Green
Leaf Feel: Leathery, Rubbery, Waxy
Leaf Type: Simple
Leaf Arrangement: Other/more complex
Leaf Shape: Oblong, Ovate
Leaf Margin: Entire
Hairs Present: No
Leaf Length: > 6 inches
Leaf Width: 1-3 inches

Collect Seeds

Harvest seed is just before the capsule splits.


Harvested when all the flowers are open.Harvesting the spike when 75 percent of the flowers are open and the remaining buds are unopen.

Soil Texture High Organic Matter
Soil Drainage Good Drainage , Moist
Soil Chemistry

pH between 5.5 and 6.0


Germination 30 to 60 Days
Bloom 6 to 10 weeks ( Most orchids bloom once a year )

Temperature (Climate)
Temperature 6 5 °F - 75 °F
Light Partial Shade (Direct sunlight only part of the day, 2-6 hours)
Health Benefits

If you consider an orchid as one flower which is used as a decor element. You are probably wrong as it is used in herbal medicines for ages. In Asia and Australia, it is known as beneficial for Alzheimer’s and heart diseases. It has various applications from treating various sicknesses to increasing immunity.

✓ Orchid is rich in vitamin C and fiber which makes it suitable for fighting diseases and improving white blood cell health in your body supporting the overall immune system.

✓ The vitamin A and antioxidants present in orchids make your skin healthy and young, keeping wrinkles and skin problems at bay.

✓ The juice extracted from the orchid flower can help you in relieving ulcer. Ulcers generally occur due to stomach acid but the mild compounds found in orchid can help you in relaxing and removing ulcer condition.

✓ Leaves and flowers of orchid are packed with Vitamin C and E which helps in maintaining eye health.

✓ Digestion is the most common problem which can become worse when not treated at the time. It can be cured at home with many home remedies. One such magical remedy is the orchid flower. The fiber and fluid content in orchid flowers makes it suitable for treating and preventing the condition of diarrhea, constipation, bowel movements.

✓ Most of the world can not believe in the fact that this flower is rich in antioxidant and can be used to ward off free radicals.

✓ Orchids flower are rich in calcium and magnesium which makes it an excellent source for maintaining strong bones and teeth. It helps prevent osteoporosis and teeth damage.

✓ Orchid flowers are best known for relieving stress. It is used in many herbal medicines which helps to maintain mental peace. You can also consume orchid flower by cooking it with vegetables or grinding it in the form of juice.