Ultimate Guide to Monstera Plants: Care, Benefits, and Feng Shui Tips

Monstera houseplants can directly benefit you by purifying the air that you breathe, reducing stress levels, and lowering the overall humidity levels wherever it is kept in your home.

Monstera is a famous houseplant with its large, glossy green leaves with deep splits and holes.it is also an ideal plant to attract money and good fortune according to Feng Shui.

Monstera thrives best in indirect light, in warm environments. Monstera will not survive in cold outdoor areas. This beautiful plant can be toxic to pets.

Leaves are more gigantic, up to 1 foot or more, dark green, glossy, long petiolate, heart-shaped, and perforated with several holes throughout the blade, some extending to the margin and splitting the margin to appear deeply lobed to pinnatifid. only mature leaves have these holes, developing as the leaf grows. The leaves have a distinct junction where the blade meets the petiole.


Botanical Name Monstera deliciosa
Family Araceae
Genus Monstera
Species deliciosa
Types Split-leaf philodendron, Swiss cheese plant, windowleaf, ceriman

Planting Guide


Flower Color: Green, White
Flower Inflorescence: Spadix
Flower Value To Gardener: Long-lasting
Flower Petals: Bracts


Fruit Color: Cream/Tan, Green, White
Fruit Value To Gardener: Edible
Fruit Type: Aggregate, Berry
Fruit Length: > 3 inches
Fruit Width: 1-3 inches


Woody Plant Leaf Characteristics: Broadleaf Evergreen
Leaf Color: Green, Variegated
Leaf Feel: Glossy, Leathery
Leaf Value To Gardener: Long-lasting, Showy
Leaf Type: Simple
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Leaf Shape: Cordate, Ovate, Pinnatifid
Leaf Margin: Lobed

Collect Seeds

Monstera fruit has a honeycomb-like texture, you can easily break it apart and collect the seeds.


Once the plant’s fruit is ripe for harvest, simply snap it off the stem. A semi-ripe fruit is not edible. In fact, you should avoid eating any part of the fruit that has a green coloring on the covering.

Soil Texture Peat-based potting soil
Soil Drainage well-drained
Soil Chemistry

pH 6.0-8.0


Germination 2 week or within a 1 month
Bloom aprox. 3 years

Temperature (Climate)
Temperature 70°F and 80°F
Light Bright indirect sunlight, partial shade
Health Benefits

Air Purifying
Feng Shui
Medicine and Health
Stress Reduction
Sharpened Attention
Improved Sleep
Sound Absorption
Odor Elimination