As its name itself suggest, sweet potatoes have a naturally sweet flavor. This crop is mainly grown because of its sweet taste and starchy roots. The tubers are a rich source of beta-carotene and are used as anti-oxidants. It is an herbaceous perennial vine having lobed or heart-shaped leaves. Sweet potatoes generally mature in 85 to 120 days. Check root size after 80 to 85 days because they don’t stop growing and can start to split when overgrown.
Sweet potatoes are always planted in the spring. They are slow-growing and require warm temperatures to develop full-size tubers. You can usually get three to five tubers per plant and more in a warmer climate. Sweet potato plants return yearly if you live in a more hospitable growing zone. sweet potatoes can be white, yellow, and even purple.
Insects, Diseases, and Other Plant Problems: No serious problems though fungus can become an issue. Be sure to rotate crops if you are planting in the same area each year as flea beetle and thrips populations can build up.
Cooking tips
- Roast sweet potatoes to bring out their natural flavor, and eat them without toppings. Sweet potatoes have a naturally sweet and creamy taste.
- To roast them around a campfire or on a barbecue, wrap them in aluminum foil and place them in the dying coals. Leave for around 50–60 minutes, until a fork slides into them easily.
- People who do not plan to eat the skins can put the potato into the coals without wrapping it in foil.
- To prepare a sweet potato quickly, prick it with a fork, wrap it in a paper towel, and put it in a microwave on high heat until soft.